Covid19 has changed a lot of people's lives.
With this, you may be experiencing anxiety, sadness and/or depression.
Even without Covid19, regular LIFE can be stressful!
I have experienced depression and have find ways to cope when I am feeling down.
I hope this list blesses you!

Here are 12 ways to cope when you are feeling low!
1. Call Someone
Call a friend or family member! If you have grandparents, they would love to hear from you! There maybe other people who are lonely or just want to hear from you. Your call could make someone's day that much better and make YOU feel better as well.
2. Put Encouraging Words Online
There are many social platforms , full of people that need to hear some encouragement. Doing something nice for someone could lift their spirit and lift yours at the same time!
3. Do Something Nice For Someone
There are many nice things you could do such as grocery shopping and sending a gift such as flowers, chocolates or a card.
4. Write
Writing is a great way to get your feelings out!
5. Give Thanks
When feeling sad, sometimes this can spiral into a pit of negativity thoughts. Think of your blessings and be thankful. This can help turn your sadness to joy.
6. Make a Video
Talk about your feelings and get it out on video. This can be very healing to share your feelings out loud. You can also get creative and make fun, silly videos that will make you laugh.
7. Pray
Pray about your feelings. Ask God to help you with your sadness. You can also give the gift of praying for others.
8. Have a Coaching or Therapy Session
There are many great therapy sessions online, including my transformation coaching sessions here.
9. Music
Listening and dancing to upbeat music can be healing to the soul.
10. Watch a Movie
Watch a family friendly or a comedy movie that will make you laugh and forget your pain.
11. Exercise
Exercising can cause endorphins to release in your body and this may reduce stress. Exercise in the comfort of your home or go outside and take a walk.
12. Create Something New!
What have you always wanted to create and have never done it? You can build a table, make jewelry, paint a picture or write a book! These are just a few examples of what you can create. Creating something amazing can help soothe your soul!
*** Always Remember, God loves you! ***
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; he rescues those whose spirits are crushed."
Psalms 34:18 NLT
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